By Brendan O’Meara
“I find it inspiring to see people have successes. It makes me want to do better stuff.” —Scott C. (@scottlava on IG)
“When I get started I have to make decisions on color and it kinda stresses me out and there’s always a middle zone where I’m trying to salvage the painting. This is gonna turn out horrible. I’m trying to salvage it.” —Scott C.
Loping along here at CNF HQ. What the hell is going on, CNFers?
Today’s guest is Scott Campbell, better known as Scott C., also known as Scottlava across the Twitter and Instagram.
Scott is an author and illustrator and his latest wonderful creation is Adventures in Drawing: A Guided Sketchbook. This thing is tons of fun. I love drawing as a way unplugging my brain from my daily nonsense. His Instagram feed is chock full of his amazing and playful sketches and water colors. His Great Showdowns are hilarious and cute and fun. I won’t do them justice by talking about them so you should visit Scottc.com or look him up on Insta at Scottlava.
We talk a lot of creative insecurities, comparing yourself to others, and the importance of community in any artistic pursuit. I wish I had two hours to talk to Scott, but we’ll have to made due with one.
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