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By Brendan O’Meara
Damon Brown returns!
Had a great time talking about his new book Build from Now: Know Your Power, See Your Abundance and Change the World.
Damon’s all over the place. He’s talkin’ TED, he’s coaching, he’s almost written thirty books, he’s the primary caretaker of his two young boys, all of that and he’s one of the most generous people I’ve ever met. I think you’ll agree.
Hope you’ll consider submitting your work for Issue 2 of the audio mag. Check it out. The deadline is coming, man.
Amazing stuff happening on the Patreon page, so give it a look, shop around, see what tier speaks to you. Every tier gets you exclusive access to the audio magazine and transcripts so you can study up.
Regarding Damon’s episode, you might want to pair it with Chase Jarvis, Austin Kleon, or Seth Godin.