By Brendan O’Meara
“Working outside of journalism before working in journalism can be a useful thing in terms of seeing how the world works.” —Katie Baker (@katiebakes)
Hey there, CNFers, it’s The Creative Nonfiction Podcast, the show where I speak to the best artists about telling true stories, whether that’s narrative journalists, documentary filmmakers, essay and memoir writers and radio producers, I try unpack their lives and their work so you can apply those tools of mastery to your own work.
I’ve been a fan of today’s guest for quite some time. Today for Ep. 108 I welcome Katie Baker to the show. She’s a staff writer for The Ringer. Prior to that she worked for Grantland, so there’s a Bill Simmons continuity thing going on there.
Her work often focuses on a singular subject and she’s one of those writers that when you see her byline you know you’re in for some fun.
Selected Stories by Katie Baker
Golden Ones, The Ringer
The Confessions of Former Adolescent Puck Tease, Deadspin
The Cold Never Bothered Him Anyway, Grantland
A Face From Radio, The Ringer
How Alex Rodriguez Found Redemption on the Best Damn Baseball Show Period, The Ringer
Hey, if you enjoyed the show, let me know. I’m @BrendanOMeara and @CNFPod on Twitter. You can also email me.
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