By Brendan O’Meara
Who doesn’t love an obsessive deep dive? Who doesn’t love a good rabbit hole? And what a rabbit hole Ander Monson‘s Predator: A Memoir, A Movie, An Obsession (Gray Wolf Press) is!
Ander (@angermonsoon) watched “Predator” more than 150 times so you don’t have to. It’s a great movie and Ander’s analysis of it reveals just how brilliant and salient it is. Sure, on the surface it reeks of brawn and would appear to be a rolling advertisement for gun perversion. But Ander folds in his experience into this unconventional memoir while we watch the movie with him.
Can’t recommend the book enough and this conversation should having you getting to the choppah to visit your favorite book seller.
Ander is the author of several books including The Gnome Stories and Vanishing Point. He runs March Xness, an essay tournament during March Madness. If you want to enter the lottery for the 2024 field, you better fill this out.
Ander came on the show to talk about his essay in True Story a few years ago and it’s a thrill to have him back.
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