By Brendan O’Meara
What a treat! Alexandra Lytton Regalado (@alexlregalado) stopped by CNF Pod HQ to talk about her award-winning poetry collection (forthcoming, pre-order now!) Relinquenda (Beacon Press). It was a National Poetry Series winner and with good reason.
Alexandra pushes the form and almost no two poems are alike as she delves into her relationships with father, husband, and men. If her first collection, Matria, dealt with women, this collection deals with men.
Her work has appeared in many places, like our good pals Creative Nonfiction.
It’s a wonderful read, and in this podcast we talk about death and dying, finding flow, style and voice, how to translate, and a whole lot more.
The show’s Instagram handle, @creativenonfictionpodcast, and you can always keep the conversation going on Twitter @CNFPod.
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