Eighteen Pounds and 800+ Pages of Inspiration: Seth Godin’s “What Does It Sounds Like When You Change Your Mind?”


Brendan O'Meara
Straining to hold up “Titan”.

Written by Brendan O’Meara

Seth Godin is a hero of mine.

I understand he, like everyone, has flaws. I read his blog every day, and I’d be disappointed if even one blog post didn’t land in my inbox each morning. I know I’m not alone.

But as he writes in the opening of What Does It Sound Like When You Change Your Mind? in a “post” titled “Is It Selfish?”:

I wrote this book for me.

Day after day, year after  year, my blog shows up. And I’m delighted if people read it, thrilled if it resonates with you.

But the truth is, even if you didn’t read my blog, even if no one read my blog, I’d still write it.

It’s through that daily practice that people tuned in. It’s antithetical. He doesn’t hustle. He shows up; and we do.

It’s his generosity of spirit that feeds the soul, just like Maria Popova’s Brain Pickings. She too started her wonderful blog not to gain an income or gain followers, but in being true to her own self, she writes about what nourishes her own mind.

She’d probably write the blog even if no one was reading, but through consistent production and thoughtful curation, Popova and Godin have legions of people who deeply hunger to be part of their minds.

To that I raise both hands.

In the spirit of Godin, who would write the blog if no one was reading, I too wish to do the same.

Godin writes:

Writing a blog post about moving forward is a great way to persuade oneself to move forward. Writing a blog post about the past, the future, the things we miss—this is how I work to keep myself on track.

Seeing a blog post a year or two after I’ve written it is a bit of a jolt, a chance to remember a moment in time, and mostly, an opportunity to push forward. Again.

So I plan to use my blog as a daily practice to improve 1% Better (s.o. to Joe Ferraro)—I’d love for you to join me (see monthly book recommendation newsletter and podcast. Phew.)

I won’t invade your inbox. If you like this blog, merely bookmark it and check it at your leisure. I’ll be here. I hope you will too.